My name is Tim Rugendyke. And for the past 15 years I worked as an automotive designer for companies such as Ford and General Motors as well working on countless international transportation design projects spanning America, Europe, Asia and Australia. I also lecture at Australia’s leading design school teaching aspiring designers how to draw cars like a pro.
And through a long and painstaking process of trial and error and working with the best in the industry, I have discovered the insider secrets that are 100% guaranteed to get you drawing amazing cars fast and easy…even if you’ve never drawn a thing in your life before!
And now for the first time ever, I’ve put it all together in one comprehensive step-by-step guide called…
This e-book has over 144 high-quality illustrations and photos which give you step-by-step instructions on how to become a expert at car drawing in no time at all. It is choc-full of tutorials on every aspect of drawing cars as well as providing all the necessary theory to get you up to speed on the key principles fast.
You can either pick and choose what you want to know and have the practical instructions to get you started straight away. Or learn the foundations to help you draw any car you want…FAST.
This is a complete step-by-step guide to drawing cars fast and easy that you’ll be referring to for years to come.
The Detailed Information In Your Program Has Brought Me From One Dimensional Art To 3D In A Short Amount Of Time
Friends And Acquaintances Always Wanted Sketches Of Their Cars With Ideas For Customizing. Now I Will Charge For Designs
This Unique E-book Has The Power To Turn YOU Into A Car Drawing Dynamo In No Time Flat, Whether You've Been Drawing For Years ... or Just Days.
I’m a tutor, lecturer and a ‘hands on’ designer, who travels the world for my automotive design work. I’ve spent most of my life studying car design and car drawings. Ever since I was 8 years old, I’ve been drawing cars and learning how to perfect them.
I have also won awards as a designer and I’m not just saying this to boast, but to let you know that I use these techniques in the ‘REAL’ world and it works.
Understand this, I’m in the trenches of automotive design everyday. Not only is automotive design my job, but I live and breath this stuff and I genuinely want to help YOU who isserious about getting your car drawings right…every time!
I’m not trying to boost my ego or to want you to think that I am special but to show you that I can help you too! So you will be getting REAL information and REAL techniques that willhelp you draw cars like a pro…FAST and EASY.
That’s a good question...
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