Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

How to Cope and Treating Minor Burns

How to Cope and Treating Minor Burns
Almost everyone has experienced it , both severe burns and minor burns caused by fire or exposed to others . And usually burns skin will blister , swell and redden or liquid will usually appear in the skin that burns .. burns may be considered trivial by most people , but if we look at the burns were serious injuries including tablets , because many cases occur in skin burns would be difficult to recover even one is not able to recover its original state . This is usually due to damage to tissues in the skin so the skin tissue can not be restored to its original state .

Well .. in this post we will discuss the problem of burns , but we will limit the topic of the burn this time only minor burns on coverage that can resolve themselves naturally and quickly . Before we discuss about how to cope with and treat burns , well we also need to know anything - anything that can cause burns . The following causes of burns :

Causes of burns

Fire or hot objects , which are common causes of burns . Occur if skin contact or exposure to fire , steam , hot water , hot oil , or hot metal .
Burns from hot objects can result from fires , car accidents , accidents caused by firecrackers , household accidents , gas cylinder explosion , explosions, touches a hot motorcycle exhaust , etc. .
Chemicals . Occur if skin contact with chemicals that are categorized as strong acids or strong bases that can react to heat , such as caustic chemicals ( sodium hydroxide or silver nitrate , and acids such as sulfuric acid or people often call with hard water ) .
Power surges or lightning strikes .
Burns caused by electricity can occur from touching wires or something that conduct electricity from wires attached .
While accidents caused by lightning can occur if someone is standing in the field wide open when there is lightning , if someone leans on or near a tree struck by lightning ( at least 2 meters away from the tree ) or if a person is standing or crouching near the ground struck by lightning .
Radiation . Can occur if exposed to sunlight for a long time , radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer or due to thermal effects of microwave radiation .

How to Cope and Treating Minor BurnsHow to Overcome and Treat Minor Burns

Cucumbers and Potatoes
Take a slice of cucumber and slice the potatoes with the same part of the comparison . Peel and wash . Puree in a blender . Apply on body / burns . Mixture of cucumber and potato absorbs heat in the skin as well . Potatoes contain anti- inflammatory . Water content contained in the cucumber will make your skin cold and burns better . Let the skin trebakar until mongering , then rinse with cool ir . ( Can be used one: cucumbers or potatoes )
Squeeze the lemon juice , mixed with a little water . Apply it on the burned skin ( sun ) . Lemon extract useful as natural vitamin C very quickly heal sunburn .
aloe vera
Take a Aloe vera , take the meat . Aloe vera can be used safely on the skin affected by burns . Apply on the affected skin burns . Lidahbuaya can reduce heat and pain burn , so it burns quickly recovered and improved . Or you can puree ( blender ) , then apply to skin burns .
baking Soda
Enough mix 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda with water . Soak cotton wool in a solution of baking soda . Compress your burns with a solution of baking soda . Let stand 5-10 minutes . Rinse with cold water .
Tomatoes and strawberries
Take tomatoes and strawberries with the same comparison . Rinse and blender . Apply this natural cream on skin burns . It is suitable to reduce redness pain on exposed skin sunburn . Water content of vitamin C and natural strawberry tomato mixture burns can reduce sunburn , prevents skin inflammation and nourish from the outside . ( Can be used one of them : tomato / strawberry only)
Milk or yogurt
Apliaksikan pure milk or plain yogurt to compress the sunburned skin . Leave for beberpaa minutes , then rinse with cold water . Milk or yogurt will also restore the skin is bright black with sunburn .
Oatmeal ( Oatmeal )
Besides good for breakfast , oatmeal can also be a useful remedy for sun burns . Mix oatmeal with water to form a paste . Apply a paste of oatmeal on bakarmatahari wound , this will have an effect cools the skin . Wait until dry , rinse with cold water .

    tea Bags
This treatment can be very helpful for sun burns in the eye area . When you are on vacation shore , forget wearing sunglasses will definitely susceptible to burns in the eye area . Soak tea bags in cold water for a few minutes , and then the dye kompreskan bag for burns in the eye area . Tannic acid in tea can help ease the pain of sunburn .

* Note : The steps above can be done on lukabakar light and burns that do not open .
How to Eliminate Burn Scars

Using egg whites
Egg whites can be used to eliminate the burn scar , way is by mixing egg white with honey , then stir this mixture until evenly distributed . Apply this mixture on your burn scar , do it regularly until the burn scars disappear . This herb can also be used to remove black spots on face .
Using Tea Dregs
Tea that you can use your benefits for burn scar removal , way is by rubbing burn scars with the dregs of tea ( tea has been used ) , do this with a regular manner at least 2 times a week .
Using Fruit Paree
Take Paree and grow fruit to take the juice until smooth , then mix with the rice until creamy . Then wash burn scars with warm water , and apply a concoction of fruit Paree at bekaks wound .
Okay , I hope the information that was admin outlined above can be useful for those of you who are experiencing burns . That's all .

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Lung Disease

Get to know as early as possible Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Obstructive Lung Disease.

 Lung disease is a disease of the lungs where the pulmonary alveoli are responsible for absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere become inflamed and filled with fluid . Lung disease can be caused by a number of causes , including infection by bacteria , viruses , fungi , or parasites . Lung disease can also be caused by the effects of chemical substances or physical injury to the lungs or as a result of other diseases , such as lung cancer or excessive alcohol consumption .
causes and symptoms of lung disease drug
Or Characteristic Symptoms Early Detection of Lung DiseaseShallow and rapid breathing sometimes sound berdengik . Productive cough in adults are often accompanied by mucus or slightly greenish berdarah.sedangkan in infants is not always accompanied batuk.Tanda other chest pain , pain when breathing , and patients with severe pain tanpak .Symptoms of Lung DiseaseEasily recognizable symptoms shaking and shivering is the body accompanied by fever , shortness of breath and chest pain . Other symptoms that often arise in a body ache , headache and cough with phlegm that gets worse over the years .Some people are susceptible to lung disease , among others , smokers , consumption alkhohol , diabetics , heart patients , working in environments exposed to pollution , and decreased immunity such as AIDS patients .

Treatment of Lung Disease with natural remedies and Spirulina Gamat JellyHere are some testimonials of healing from lung disease which we have quoted from the book testimony Luxor .Complications & LungsName : Rd . Maman Abdurachman , 72 Years , Majalengka , West JavaBefore consumption of natural cure lung diseaseIn 2006 , is the culmination of a disease that had been suffering father , said Emah Suhaemah who faithfully support our beloved husband Rd . Mamam . There are 6 types of diseases that you have suffered , gout , high cholesterol , chronic gastritis , arthritis , stroke , and lung when x-rays are not visible because it was submerged in water . Mr. experiencing coughing and vomiting of blood . Our efforts at that time was taking care of the father in one of the major hospitals in London , recalls Mrs. Emah . Complications experienced by Mr. heavy indeed , at that time told by medical personnel that his hopes may be very thin just a few weeks away . But do not break up families trying to cure you .After consumption of natural cure lung diseaseWhen kept in the hospital for the 3rd time one of the family suggested to consume Jelly Gamat and Spirulina Pacifica . Determination that the father recovered the Jeli Gamat tbsp 3x1 , 1x10 Spirulina tablets , Ex - tar C 1x1 plus 1x1 Vitaluxor softgel tabs and become the father of every day routines . Progress more rapidly , within 2 months after coughing up blood is no longer the case . Time goes by you become more healthy and 6 months later when the lung x-rays are clearly visible and the father is no longer submerged in water . Now almost 4 years later 6 types of diseases that once you no longer appears natural , healthy is the most important treasure for us .Lung Disease - Chronic BronchitisEducate Sadikin - Bandung ( West Java )Lung disorders has actually been happening since 2003 . Climax during the year 2008-2009 , RS Hasan Sadikin into my subscription to commute for treatment , said Didik Sadikin Bandung . Frequently caused by smoking and sleep late as a youth , I reap the disease at this point . Persistent cough especially at night time I experienced many months , sometimes accompanied by coughing and vomiting of blood . The doctor said I was hit with Brokhitis Chronic infection in the lungs , he added . I often have a fever and chills , especially at night . Yng body condition is not prime , decreased appetite, making the weight down 10 pounds .
September 2009 say join Luxor and from here I am motivated to try this health foods . Excel Pack consisting of Jelly Gamat , Spirulina Pacifica , Extar C Plus and Vitaluxormenjadi first choice at that time . The consumption of health food is very flexible and not rigid , shingga easy for me to consume them separately . Jeli Gamat tbsp 2x1 , 3x5 Pacifica Spirulina tabs , tabs Extar C Plus 1x1 and 1x1 Vitaluxor softgel / day into a new routine Educate Sadikin . Regular consumption ultimately fruitless. In the first 3 months of the better stamina and powerful . Fever is often experienced initially pda night time is no longer repeated . Gradual increases in weight and most exciting in my 9 months to recover from Brokhitis Chronic stated this .

What Are the Causes, symptoms and cures Cancer ???

What Are the Causes , symptoms and cures Cancer ?

Cancer is a change in normal cells become abnormal ( abnormal ) , the cancer generally begins with Benign Tumor . Growth / development of benign tumor is slow , but if left and not treated immediately feared would turn into a malignant tumor called with Cancer ( Cancer ) !Basically cancer cells that already exist in all human body since the new born . Cancer cells are derived from normal cells of your own body , which then mutate into malignant . Normal cells are not likely to be malignant , but there is the originator of the environment in which the cell is located. Just as the holy child and newborn well , maybe not directly born as criminals . It takes a long time and the bad influence of the environment , which alter the body's cells that had both normal and malignant ." Cancer is the traitor within normal cells population , believe it or not" .
Cancer cells are difficult to detect at an early stage because he is not very different from normal cells of our bodies . For the body , these cells instead of ' foreign bodies ' such as virus / bacteria that must be eradicated . This explains why healthy people can be affected by this deadly disease ... ! Many new cancer patients recognize / detected cancer usually have an advanced stage ...!Number of cancer patients in Indonesia is very high . This can be seen from various cancer data published by the government and cancer institutions both from within and outside the country , including the results of a survey of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) . For cervical cancer , the number is also very high . Every year no less than 15,000 cases of cervical cancer occur in Indonesia. It makes cervical cancer the disease is referred to as the number 1 killer of women in Indonesia. Label was not excessive because every day in Indonesia from 40 women diagnosed with cervical cancer , 20 of them women die of cervical cancer . High rates of cervical cancer in Indonesia makes WHO puts Indonesia as the country with the highest number of cervical cancer in the world .While breast cancer , a disease with most cases of cervical cancer second . Breast cancer patients in Indonesia in 2004 ( as quoted from Indonesia Health Profile 2008 ) as many as 5,207 cases . A year later in 2005, the number of breast cancer cases increased to 7,850 . In 2006 , breast cancer patients increased to 8,328 cases in 2007 and that number is not much different , although slightly decreased the 8,277 cases . I need to know the data of breast cancer patients is an out patient hospitalized with a diagnosis of cancer . So breast cancer is actually very likely to be much greater.Liver cancer is also a type of cancer with which many patients . Patients with liver cancer are generally men .Liver cancer is a type of cancer with the highest number of sufferers in the world number five and number three causes of death . The large number of cancer patients in a country usually associated with the number of people with hepatitis . Because patients with hepatitis generally potentially lead to liver cancer . Generally, patients with liver cancer is unknown if had stage 2 or stage 3 .

While in children , leukemia is a type of cancer most commonly attacked . Leukemia or blood cancer ranks the highest cancer cases in children because of the weakness of cancer treatment in children . No wonder for blood cancer cases are found in children , usually had entered an advanced stage . Delayed treatment of patients with blood cancers can be fatal and can cause death . Generally, people with blood cancer found in children under the age of 15 years .
There are many other types of cancer is very deadly malignant brain cancer , cervical cancer , lung cancer , colon cancer , tongue cancer , prostate cancer that could be suffered by anyone regardless of age and led to the death !

The question is : Why is this disease is prevalent in modern society ? Due to environmental factors and unhealthy lifestyle such as air pollution , stress , toxins / toxin from Carsinogen substances which are common in foods ( preservatives , flavorings , colorings , artificial sweeteners , etc. ) , beverages , dyes in clothing that we wear every day , aerosol , mosquito / insect poison , cosmetics , cell phone radiation , electrical appliances and urban environments .For example , the use of mobile phones ( HP ) is more than 30 minutes every day will cause cancer to grow for 10-15 years later . Moreover, when we often use cell phones that are in charge ( cas ) , it will trigger cancer quicker to 3-5 years ! All these factors could potentially lead to malignancy of cancer cells in the short term and long term . Understanding CANCER definition will allow us to determine which cancer drugs should be selected .

However , if you already have cancer , there is nothing else to do but doing the treatment . Cancer treatment in addition to passing a medical , also can be done alternatively . Alternative treatments for patients with cancer can be done by taking natural herbal remedies are efficacious anti - cancer destroy cancer cells depleted down to the roots !Avoid cancer started now by performing preventive action from the outside and inside . From the outside is to avoid foods that are high in fat , avoid foods that contain substances Carsinogen , reproduce high-fiber foods , avoid stress , do regular exercise . While preventive measures in the conduct of the injection / syringe from cancer immune performed 3 times for 3 consecutive months at a cost of at least Rp 3 - 5 million per packet injections . Or ... you can consume plants that are natural substances that contain Active Anti-Cancer RIP ( Ribosome inacting Protein ) .Natural active substances RIP ( Ribosome inacting protein ) serves to block the growth of cancer cells , is able to disable the growth of cancer cells and kill cancer cells without damaging the surrounding normal tissue . From the research on Chinese herbal experts , RIP substance is contained in these herbs :1 . Soursop fruit / leaves ( content 35 % RIP )2 . Single Garlic ( content 40 % RIP )3 . Noni ( content 45 % RIP )4 . Daun Keladi Tikus ( content 65 % RIP )5 . Gathering White / Curcuma zedoaria ( content 95 % RIP )

In addition to destroying cancer cells , Gathering White ( Curcuma zedoaria ) also contain useful Anti Pleated peroxidation can treat complaints of Uric Acid , Menstrual Pain , Gastritis , Hypertension , Sinusitis , polyps , Ambeyen , Asthma , Tuberculosis , Diabetes , Coronary Heart Disease and Bronchitis . Gathering White mengosumsi within a period of 3 months as we are already in immunization against cancer . This is called natural immunization teraphy ( immunoteraphy ) .